
Level Up: PR & Marketing Career!

Gain valuable insights and tips for a successful career in PR and marketing, including the importance of gaining experience, conducting thorough research, and authentically showcasing your skills and growth areas during interviews.
May 23, 2023
Reading Time
5 min

So, you're considering a career in the thrilling world of PR and marketing? Excellent choice. Strap yourself in, because I'm about to dish out some piping hot interview tips and advice straight from the trenches of Stanley House Studios, your friendly neighbourhood attention-strategy agency. 

You might have heard a thing or two about the job – the glitz, the glamour, the endless glasses of champagne at networking events. But let's put the tabloid tales aside for a moment. We're here to talk about the real meat and potatoes, and the occasional spritz, of the industry. 

Flashback to seven years ago, I walked into my interview here at Stanley House as an account coordinator, knees shaking, palms sweating, internally questioning my choice of wearing that sweater. Yes, interviews can be daunting. But don’t worry, whether you're gunning for a paid role or an unpaid internship, I’ve got your back. As an Account Director at Stanley House who has been there and done that, I'm here to pass on my wisdom nuggets. Buckle up! 

Experience over Degree: University, Schmuniversity! 

Don’t get me wrong, education is important. But, when it comes to this industry, experience is your secret weapon. University is like the theory – a world of case studies, textbooks and assessments. The real world is more like jazz improvisation. 

So, how do you get some of that sweet, sweet experience? Internships, my friend. Try to snag a few during your uni days. Yes, many are unpaid, but a decent agency (like yours truly) will flex its schedule to accommodate you. And thanks to our old pal, the pandemic, remote work is now a hot trend. So, don’t be afraid to propose a hybrid internship model if the agency doesn’t offer first! 

Research - Your Secret Superpower

You'd be surprised at the number of candidates who stroll into interviews armed with nothing but their smiles. Research, folks! Know the agency like the back of your hand before stepping through that door (or onto that Zoom call). 

Doing your homework not only provides you with killer talking points for your interview, but it also gives you an insight into whether you and the company are a match made in heaven or a date gone wrong. 

Be Yourself – But Like, Really

Alright, alright. I know it sounds like the end of a cheesy rom-com, but it's actually crucial. An interview is a chance to showcase you. 

What sets your heart on fire? Is it crafting the perfect Instagram caption or maybe strategising a groundbreaking campaign? And don’t forget to share your areas for growth, too. Do you love using ChatGPT, but stumble on the right prompts? Is writing a press release your Mount Everest? That’s okay! Let us know, so we can all grow together. 

Remember, you're a rookie. No one expects you to be the Don Draper of marketing or the Olivia Pope of PR right off the bat. We want to see your raw potential and your willingness to learn, because we’ve all been there. 

So, there you have it, brave marketing and PR hopefuls. A little insider’s guide to landing a job in this crazy, beautiful industry we call home. No one said it would be easy, but boy, it's an exhilarating ride. So, here's to you and your journey. Go get 'em, tiger! 

Until next time, keep that chin up and that creative brain buzzing!


Regina Lee

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